Come and discover Sardinia


    Come and discover Sardinia


    Come and discover Sardinia


    Come and discover Sardinia


    Museum of pastoral and peasant civilization and of canto a tenore.

    The Museum of the Peasant Pastoral Civilization of canto a tenore is a must if you are near Bitti and represents a historical testimony of the historical, cultural and religious heritage of Sardinian civilization. The museum is located in the historic center of the town, in a perfectly restored district and offers the reconstruction of twenty rooms typical of the local tradition. Inside there are still all the objects and tools used in the past, during work and daily life, from the plow to the clothes worn on the occasion of holidays. The space dedicated to canto a Tenore, formerly an intangible UNESCO World Heritage Site, explains the variations and customs of this unrivaled song through the reproduction of a large collection of films; interactive totems stimulate the visitor to recognize the individual voices of the tenores.


    Nuragic Village Romanzesu.

    Among the things to do in Bitti, you cannot miss a visit to the Romanzesu housing and cult complex, considered one of the most important Nuragic villages in Sardinia. It is located in Poddi Arvu, about 10 km from the Country Boutique Hotel Su Lithu, along the road to Mamone and stands on a granite plateau surrounded by a cork forest. Dating back to the 16th century BC, it is made up of a housing complex consisting of about a hundred huts and multiple religious buildings, such as a well temple with stepped amphitheater, two megaron, one rectangular, one heeron and a suggestive labyrinth. All this constitutes a precious legacy of the Sardinian Nuragic civilization and is an unmissable attraction if you are near Bitti.


    Montalbo di Lula.

    Montalbo di Lula is a limestone massif of particular naturalistic and archaeological importance. It is also called “Sardinian dolomite” because of the ravines, gorges and caves that make it up and boasts a length of 20 km and a width of 4; the highest point reaches 1127 meters. Its sides are characterized by rugged gullies, canyons and depressions and you can visit caves and domus de janas and admire the endangered flora and fauna. Traces of the ancient human presence can also be found in the primitive dwellings called sos pinnettos, the so-called sheepfolds used by shepherds as a refuge.


    Crastazza Littos Tepilora Regional Park.

    The Regional Natural Park offers studded walls and numerous hiking trails of varying difficulty, from the S’Illiorai waterfalls to the pools with the water lilies of Tepilora to the all-round view of the “Sa Donna” peak. Rich in animal species, of particular importance such as the wild cat, the mouflon and the golden eagle, the fallow deer and the Sardinian deer, it can also be visited by the less experienced, with numerous springs and areas equipped for picnics.


    Lula's SOS Enattos.

    Part of the geo-mining park of Sardinia and sponsored by Unesco. Today it is possible to visit this ancient Roman lead zicifera mine retracing all the eras and phases of its exploitation, an interesting path of industrial archeology and mining art, an opportunity to discover another aspect of this wonderful island that you can find a few kilometers from Bitti and the Su Lithu Hotel‘.


    Su Tempiesu of Orune.

    Wonder and amazement are the first sensations you get when visiting this fantastic archaeological site from the end of the 2nd millennium, the only nuragic source that is still extraordinarily preserved. In a panoramic and sheltered position, it offers us an example of great construction technology from ancient times, leaving anyone who discovers its architectural complexity astounded.


    Nuraghe Voes of Nule.

    The Nuraghe Voes extends into the territory of Nule and is one of the best preserved Nuragic finds in that part of Sardinia, also known as Goceano. Vanta una struttura di tipo complesso, composta da grandi massi che si incastrano l’uno con l’altro, come un puzzle. It is located a few kilometers from the town of Nule, known for being the capital of the traditional Sardinian carpet in Lana. Here you will find numerous artisan shops where you can exclusively buy unique masterpieces. Arriving from our hotel you will travel along suggestive rural roads immersed in a sweet and relaxing landscape, one of those things to do in Bitti by taking the time for a trip out of town to discover an authentic Sardinia and off thebeaten track of mass tourism.


    Nuoro and its Museums.

    Nuoro, the most populated center of Barbagia, is dominated by Monte Ortobene, also called “our soul” by the writer, Nobel Prize for literature, Grazia Deledda. This town is also called “Athens of Sardinia” thanks to the large number of intellectuals and writers to whom it gave its origins, such as Salvatore and Sebastiano Satta, Grazia Deledda or Francesco Ciusa. Here there are numerous museums that pay homage to the talent of these men of culture but not only. In Nuoro, about 30 kilometers from Bitti, there are jealously guarded testimonies of art, culture and traditions, among the oldest on the island. Among the attractions not to be missed are the Deleddiano Museum, the Archaeological Museum, the Costume Museum and the MAN (Museum of Art in the province of Nuoro).


    The East Coast.

    If you are in Bitti, in our Country Boutique Hotel and you want to discover some of the most beautiful beaches in Sardinia, know that you are just a few kilometers from the east coast which holds many of them. To reach it, you have to take your car along a smooth road with little traffic, even in August, which in about 40 minutes will lead you to postcard beaches and coves, where the sand is white and the crystal clear sea. The proximity of the beaches allows you to explore a different one every day: do not miss Berchida and Bidderosa in Siniscola, the Gulf of Orosei, Cala Cartoe in Dorgali or Cala Ginepro and Cala Liberotto in Orosei. There are many other beaches to see near Bitti and a week will not be enough for you to discover them all. Feel free to ask our staff and we will know which one to recommend based on your tastes and desires.

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